Collection: Consultations

The ADHD Naturopathic Clinic provides Naturopathic, Herbal Medicine and Nutritional Medicine consultations.  When you come to see us we look at you as an individual and what is happening overall in your body.  We do not only work on preventative medicine, but we support your health condition at any stage, whether it is acute or chronic.


What we can treat

At the ADHD Naturopathic Clinic we can treat a range of ages from newborns to the elderly and we work on a wide range of conditions such as;

  • Specializing in ADHD natural treatments
  • Skin conditions - eczema, psoriasis and acne
  • Hormonal issues - irregular periods, PMS, pre-conception, thyroid and more.
  • Digestive complaints - food intolerances, digestive upsets, liver dysfunction, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, indigestion and more
  • Immune dysfunction - autoimmune disease, colds and flus and any viral infections
  • Musculoskeletal complaints - joint pain and any inflammatory conditions
  • Nervous system support - anxiety, depression, mood disorders, stress management, brain fog and insomnia
  • Cardiovascular - high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and more
  • Respiratory conditions - asthma, chest infections, tonsillitis, sinus issues
  • and so much more.


Modalities on offer


We look at you as an individual and look into your specific needs through our holistic and evidence-based approach to wellness.  Naturopathic principles are based on treating each person as an individual and treatment plans are designed to treat you as a whole person and not just your presenting symptoms.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years.  A herbalist is a person who practices healing with the use of herbs or plants, basically, they are a "Specialist in Herbal medicine".  Our Herbal Medicine consultations draw on both traditionally knowledge and modern evidenced based research to help adjust your body and mind back to a state of balance.

Herbs can be used for acute illnesses, such as coughs or colds, as well as chronic states such as stress or autoimmune conditions.  Herbs will not force your body to function properly they will gently support the long-term health that  your body seeks.

Nutritional Advice

Nutritional medicine is the assessment of dietary habits, nutritional deficiencies and any imbalances.  We will develop an individual food and nutrition plan suited to your capabilities.  Our nutritional plans are tailored to suit your lifestyle.  We will also provide ongoing education and support regarding your food choices and any changes that need to be made to reach and maintain your wellbeing goals.


Free 15min Introductory call

Perfect for you if you want to find out more if we’re the right fit for you.  These 15 minute consultations allows you to have a one-to-one conversation with our practitioner.  You can ask questions about anything regarding the consultation and your condition. 

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What to expect at each consultation

We create a customized and clear plan of action which is tailored to suit your lifestyle.  Recommendations at any of our consultations may include food, lifestyle, liquid herbal medicine, Herbal tea, Herbal salves, Aromatherapy oils and/or relevant supplements.  Lifestyle advice is given at all appointments to promote your wellbeing, to reduce stress and to help you move towards your health goals.


Initial Consultations

The initial consultation is structured to understand your health complaints and will go for about 1.5 hours.  We will explore your diet, lifestyle, any stress in your life, any environmental factors that are effecting your well-being and we will go through your family Medical history.  This information will provide us with the full holistic picture of why you have your presenting symptoms.

During the initial consultation you will be asked about your main health concern, how it affects you, the duration, the symptoms experienced , what improves or exacerbates your symptoms and the timeline of progress.  We will use at least one of our in-house diagnostic tools and depending on your reasons for seeing us a physical examination may be conducted.

At the end of the consultation, you will be provided with recommendations for diet and lifestyle amendments and if necessary recommend particular herbal medicines or nutritional supplements.

Cost for 1.5hrs is $225

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Follow-up Consultations

Follow-up consultations are usually scheduled 1-3 weeks after the Initial Consultation.  The consultations are shorter and normally go for about 30 - 45 mins.  They are used to discuss your progress, what else needs to be addressed, what worked and what may need tweaking.  We also run through how you are feeling and any problems you experience.

Follow-up consultation are also used to address any other health concerns that may arise through your healing journey.  Once we have you on a path that is suitable for your lifestyle we will expand the time between follow up consultation and have you in every 2-3 months to keep your on track.  Also during a follow up consultation we will reassess your progress using one of our in-house diagnostic tools or ask you to have follow up tests outside of our clinic.

Cost for 45 mins is $112.50

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Shorter Consultations

Avatar Mini Readings

This is one of our in-house diagnostic tools.  If you are just wanting to get a big picture of what might be going on in your body we offer a 30 min reading with our every popular Bio-feedback machine.  Click the link above to learn more what this wonderful machine can do for you.

Have you ever had a bug that you thought you got rid of, but have never been the same since? 

Your body is a barometer and with the help of the Avatar we are able to detect stress imbalances such as bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungi, chemicals, pesticides and much more.  The possible reason you have never been the same is that your body is still holding onto the frequency of that bug and assumes you still have it.  Once this frequency is removed, your body no longer think the bug is there and your body will begin to do what it is designed to do – heal itself. 

We use the Avatar Biofeedback machine with another device called the Wave front (Signal Transference Device).  After we have tested your body’s electromagnetic imbalances, we are then able to imprint those imbalances into your very own homeopathic remedy which will balance your frequency.   

Cost is $150 for 60 minute session

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Flower Essence Readings

Flower therapy, or essence therapy, is a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). It’s based on the idea that flowers have to heal vibrational energy.

Flower Essence may also be used to help support your emotional and spiritual well-being.  Healing is a multi-level process that includes your physical body, your emotions, and your mental outlook as well as your spiritual understanding.  Flower essence is a great way to balance all four of those modalities.  Consultations are for 30 mins.  Remedy is extra.

Cost for 30mins is $90 plus remedy

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Mini Consultations/Blood Pathology Readings

This consultation is for when you are suffering from acute conditions such as colds and flu's, viruses, hay fever, recovering from gastro, tonsillitis, thrush, or long Covid symptoms., constipation/diarrhoea and more.  If you are unsure if your health concern is acute contact us and our Herbalist/Naturopath will let you know.  This is not a full consultation and focuses on the presenting symptom only.  We will recommend herbal medicine or supplements to help with your acute condition.

We may also recommend an initial consultation following this acute consultation if we feel there are deeper issues that need to be addressed.

Cost for 30 mins is $75

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Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

HTMA is a safe and non-invasive pathology test. It measures the levels and comparative ratios of nutrients and toxic minerals found in hair. HTMA is one of the most valuable screening tools available in preventative health care.

If you are just wanting to know if you have any toxic metals or want to know if you are low on minerals you can simply order a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis without having an Initial consultation.  You will need to make a follow up consultation to discuss your results.  When you make the booking you will be sent an email explaining what you need to do.  The first appointment will only take 15 mins - this is where we take a sample of your hair to sent to laboratory,

Cost for test is $250 includes report

When the report is in you will be contacted and a follow up consultation will be organized to discuss the report and health protocol

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